Fresh Ricotta and Asparagus Tart

This asparagus ricotta tart is a metaphor for spring in Canada. Nestled on flaky puff pastry, in a bed of pillowy ricotta, bright green spears of asparagus herald the coming of spring to the Northern Hemisphere.

Gather Your Ingredients -ASPARAGUS TART-

– Puff pastry defrosted overnight in the fridge – Ricotta cheese – Lemon juice or a bit more, to taste – Zest of ½ a lemon – Asparagus bundle – Freshly grated pepper – Dijon mustard – A few pinches of sea salt

If your puff pastry was in the freezer, let it defrost overnight in the fridge. Drain ricotta cheese in a colander for a few hours, or even overnight in the fridge.

Let's Make A Tart!

Mix ricotta with lemon juice and grated lemon zest. Add sea salt and pepper, to taste. Taste and adjust flavourings - the filling should be light and just a bit zesty.

Let's Make A Tart!

Roll out pastry on a lightly floured surface into a shape that is a bit bigger than the bottom of the pie shell or glass baking dish that you are going to use.

Let's Make A Tart!

Spread mustard along the bottom of the pastry. Spoon ricotta mixture over mustard. Top with asparagus spears

Let's Make A Tart!

Bake for 20 to 25 minutes, or until pastry is golden and the asparagus is a little browned on top.

Let's Make A Tart!

Serve with a fresh and sharp green salad on the side for a light lunch. A glass of white wine would also be nice.


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