Creamy Jerusalem Artichoke Soup

How to Make

Cooked slowly with leeks and tart Granny Smiths, earthy bay leaves fragrant and thyme, Jerusalem artichoke and apple soup is a creamy, bright soup that is also vegan and gluten-free.

– 1 tablespoon olive oil – 2 leeks – 1 lb Jerusalem artichokes also known as sunchokes or topinambour – 2 Granny Smith apples – 6 cups water

– 1 tablespoon salt – 1 bay leaf – a few sprigs of fresh thyme – juice of ¼ of a lemon – Vegan yogurt vegan sour cream, or lactose-free cream (optional)

Vegan yogurt vegan sour cream, or lactose-free cream: this ingredients make the soup feel a bit more decadent, but it's hardly necessary. If using vegan yogurt or sour cream, hold the lemon until after you've added the cream, and then only add as much lemon juice as you need

Preheat a heavy-bottomed soup pot. Thoroughly clean and chop leeks.

Peel and chop artichoke hearts, but don't worry about making this too fine. When pot has heated, add olive oil and leeks.

Saute for 10 minutes on low-medium heat, stirring occasionally, until leeks have softened completely.

Add Jerusalem artichoke, cover pot and let cook low-medium heat for five minutes. Add 6 cups of water, one sprig of thyme and one bay leaf, and raise heat to medium-hight.

Chop one Granny Smith apple to a similar size as the Jerusalem artichokes. Once pot has reached boiling, add apples, cover, and let simmer for about 25 minutes.

When Jerusalem artichoke have cooked thoroughly and are easily pierced with a fork, turn off heat and remove bay leaf and thyme. Transfer contents of pot to a blender, add the leaves of two more sprigs of thyme, and blend everything thoroughly,

Once soup is silky smooth, if desired, add vegan yogurt, sour cream or lactose-free cream. Taste, and add lemon juice as needed. Stir thoroughly to combine.

To serve, chop one Granny Smith apple finely, and top each bowl with a tablespoon of apple cubes and a sprig of thyme.
