Russian Pirozhki


Russian vegetarian pirozhki are pillowy pockets of dough, stuffed with a variety of flavous. Choose between the traditional cabbage and egg, the classic mushroom or a modern pumpkin with caramelized onion, feta and dill pirozhki.

Dough: – 1 TB Active Dry Yeast – 2 TBs icing sugar – 1 cup water or enough to cover – 1 liter milk

Dough: – a few pinches of salt – ½ cup oil – 1 kg flour – 2 TBs sugar

Mushroom Pirozhki Filling: – 2 lbs mushrooms – 1 onion – 2 TBs butter

Cabbage Pirozhki Filling: – 2 large onions – ½ head of cabbage – 2 hard-boiled eggs

Pumpkin with Caramelized Onion and Feta: – 1 onion – 1 pumpkin or squash of your choice – ½ bunch dill – 100 g feta

Combine yeast, sugar and water in a small bowl. Mix together and set aside, letting yeast activate for 10 minutes.

In a large bowl, combine ½ the milk, yeast mixture, sugar, salt, and oil. Mix to combine. Begin adding flour in batches; add more flour or milk as needed. Dough should be not too sticky and very soft and elastic.

Cover with a clean kitchen towel and set aside in a dark, warm but well-ventilated place. Let dough rise for 1.5 hour, or until doubled.

Mix dough again with spoon or stand mixer paddle, and see if need to add flour. Let rise again for 30 minutes. While dough is rising, prepare filling.

Mushroom filling  Slice onion into half-moons. Heat pan to medium heat. Add 2 TBs butter. Add onions and cook until colour changes and onions become translucent, about 10 minutes.

Mushroom filling  Slice mushrooms thinly. Add mushrooms to onions and sautee until mushrooms begin to brown, about 10 minutes. Taste and add salt and pepper, as needed.

Cabbage filling  Slice onion into half-moons. Heat pan to medium heat. Add 2 TBs neutral-tasting oil, like Canola, grapeseed or vegetable oil. Add onions and cook until colour changes and onions become golden, about 15 minutes.

Cabbage filling  Chop cabbage into thin strands. Add cabbage to large bowl with 2 TBs water. Put cabbage in microwave for 2 minutes, to soften slightly. Let cool until easy to handle and add 2 TBs of salt.

Cabbage filling  Proceed to massage cabbage until it has softened considerably, approximately 5 minutes.

Cabbage filling  Chop hard-boiled eggs into small pieces. Combine cabbage, sauteed onions and hard-boiled eggs. Taste and add salt and pepper, as needed.

Pumpkin filling Set oven to 400F. Cover baking sheet with parchment paper or a reusable silicone matfollow. Cut pumpkin or squash in half, scoop out seeds and sprinkle with salt, pepper and a drizzle of oil.

Pumpkin filling Place pumpkin face-down on the baking sheet. Pierce skin a few times to let steam escape. Bake until pumpkin collapses fully when poked with a fork, about 30-45 minutes. Let it cool.

Pumpkin filling Slice onion into half-moons. Heat pan to medium heat. Add 2 TBs neutral-tasting oil, like Canola, grapeseed or vegetable oil. Add onions and cook until onions change colour, about 10 minutes.

Pumpkin filling Mix pumpkin, caramelized onions, dill and feta together.

shaping pirozhki: Divide dough into portions: Cover counter with flour, and roll dough out into thin layer.

shaping pirozhki: Cut pirozhki forms with cup

shaping pirozhki: Place filling in the middle of each one. Fold and pinch sides.

To bake, cover baking sheet with parchment paper. Add a bit of oil. Place pirozhki, and brush each with egg wash.

Bake at 360F for 20-25 min, until golden up top. Remove from oven and cover with a soft kitchen towel until ready to serve.