During the first semester of my fourth and final year of university, I became violently ill. My head was pounding, producing a cacophony of sounds and colours. My throat was burning, each breath and swallow sending daggers down the inflamed walls of my esophagus, causing me to bend over in fits of coughing so severe, they left a film of phlegm on my palms. My nose was intermittently both runny and plugged, a constant strain on my sinuses and synapses. But above all, I just felt tired, the sort of fatigue that cuts down to your bones and fills your brain with a fog of cotton. I slept for hours on end, never quite feeling rested.

This cold lasted into my exams, and ate up a part of my winter holiday. Nonetheless, I had no time off I could take, no empty days full of bed and pillows and sweet medication. In truth, I suppose I had those days, but I didn't allow myself the luxury to fully embrace them. Instead, I stole naps between deadlines, drank NeoCitran from morning to night, and pretended I was fine. My attempt to fight down my extended sickness was itself a constant drain on the system, and a reminder of how bogged down in tasks I had become.

During my Master's degree, I came down with a similar bout of sickness. It followed at the heels of an intense experience of heartbreak and weeks of non-stop work at school and outside, and it came at me with a vengeance. I missed a week of classes, lost a library book, and proceeded to lose 10 pounds in water weight through sweat and nausea. My grandmother fretted, making me cups of scalding-hot tea, and forcing me to stuff garlic into my nostrils to help me breathe. This time, I slept and stayed home, allowing myself to feel ill. I was miserable, but I found a perverse pleasure in it. This time, I had a reason to feel bad about things.

Now, I find myself in a similar situation once again. With a trip to Israel coming up next week, the first chance to see my family and friends in a year and a half, I am feeling the tell-tale signs of the cold approaching. As my days are spent at work and my nights are divided between packing, cleaning, cooking through the perishables in my fridge, and draining volunteer activities, I am losing track of what's ahead. I am starting to doubt my choices as I'm drinking probiotics and taking vitamin C in attempt to stave off the sickness. Wouldn't it be better to just give up and let myself be sick, let this cold take over, drain me, but leave me renewed before the trip? But if I did that, who would finish everything that's on my plate, who would do my work, proof a magazine, cook our food, pack my suitcase, and write, write, write?

I fret, feeling guilty, getting up to chop a salad at 9 p.m., following a 12-hour day of work and French classes. As I stand at the door of the fridge, looking over its depleting contents, my mind is still racing, making a list of everything that's still left to do today. Bending over the cutting board, my hands are moving quickly, methodically, the knife reducing the cucumber to small pieces, while my brain continues to wander. I look at the ingredients I have for a salad: cucumbers, a jar of pickled beets, a spoon of prepared horseradish, a cup of yogurt. As my fridge empties out, creativity kicks in. I put things together without thinking about them, my head is elsewhere. But the salad is getting made.

When my bowl of pickled beet and cucumber salad is ready, I sit down on the couch. The kitchen is left as it is for now, open jars and dirty knives littering the stained countertop. I start an episode of How I Met Your Mother, the laughter soundtrack filling the emptiness of the apartment. My cat curls in my lap, burying his head in my stomach. I take a forkful to my mouth, absent-mindedly bite on the crisp vegetables enveloped in a tangy sauce. I swallow, and an involuntary moan escapes my throat. I look down at the bowl, surprised at the combination of flavours my exhausted mind and barren fridge have produced. Then I take another forkful. And another.

Forgotten, the show plays on while I devour my pickled beet and cucumber salad, letting the sharp flavours of the onion and pickled beets fill my mouth, the creaminess of the yogurt cool my throat. By the time that I am done, my bowl licked clean, the episode is half over, and I am forced to rewind the show to the beginning. Contented, I hug my cat a little closer, pulling a blanket over both of us, sitting down to a half hour of guilty television without the guilt. I let the kitchen stay dirty for a bit longer, maybe until G comes home.

When I think of who will do my work for me when I cannot, I realize that no one would - or at least, not in the same way. But I'm starting to think that sometimes, that's OK. I know there's joy in quieting down the guilt and letting yourself become lost in the chaos; I guess I just have to remember that more often.
See the Step-by-Step Web Story!
To get the step-by-step instructions on how to make this delicious Russian pickled beet and cucumber salad, check out our pickled beed and cucumber salad story.

Tried and loved this recipe? Please leave a 5-star review below! Your reviews mean a lot to me, so if you've got any questions, please let me know in a comment.

Pickled beet and cucumber salad with a horseradish yogurt sauce
- 1 large cucumber
- ¼ red onion
- 1 cup pickled beets
- 2 Tb lactose-free yogurt
- 1 Tb brine from pickled beets
- 2 tsps red wine vinegar
- 1 teaspoon prepared horseradish preferably beet horseradish
- 1 Tb olive oil
- A dash of salt or more, to taste
- A sprinkle of pepper or more, to taste
- A handfull of dill optional
- Chop cucumbers, beets and onions evenly.
- Mix all other ingredients except dill in a jar, and shake until combined.
- Dress vegetables with sauce, stirring gently to meld all the flavours. Sprinkle with dill weed and serve.
- This salad can be made ahead and allowed to rest in the fridge for a day or two.
Mom says
When I read your notes, all district around me go out! Because I like it, so math )
kseniaprints says
Mamulya, ya ne ponyala..... Chto ti xotela skazat'?....
Pavle says
Tried. Nice salad --good for health. Why not add garlic? Also keep away vampire. Other observations: not easy to find good beets. Boil them. Also firmer. You like spicy? More horseradish and less yogurt. That is party version. Also possible: apple vinegar.
kseniaprints says
I am always in favour of more horseradish. And would you believe that I was out of garlic while making this?? Sad days. But will definitely try with garlic and more horseradish when visiting home. I have a feeling my Russian family will really like this salad with your suggestions.
Lyn says
Just found your blog...I've already pinned a half dozen recipes. I'm second generation American (4 grandparents originally from Russia), worked on a kibbutz in Israel 1967, 1 week after 6 day war, (at age 17...I'm a grandma now.), lived in Jerusalem when I was 22, visited Israel some 6-7 times, my daughter-in-law immigrated to USA when she was 10..the list goes on. Question??? Traditionally, have entire family here for Thanksgiving...love to incorporate a Russian dish....Do you think this would be a hit? If not, any other suggestions for a killer Russian salad???
kseniaprints says
Hello, Lyn. What a pleasure it is to meet you. I am so intrigued by your story - which kibbutz were you at? It must have been such a fascinating time to be in the country! Thank you so much for sharing it with me, and for visiting and enjoying this space.
As for Russian dishes for Thanksgiving, I have SO MANY ideas. This salad is nice, but it might be too simple, no? For classical Russian, I would go with my grandmother's vinaigrette, or this marinated beet salad (which we serve at every Jewish holiday).
For something more festive, I love this version of Koreiskaya Morkovka (Korean carrot salad, which is actually Russian), or this pickled cabbage and mushroom salad - it's so, SO GOOD.
Let me know what you end up choosing!
Lyn says
Such a hard time choosing? All sound delicious! I think I'll try your grandmother's vinaigrette AND cabbage & pickled mushroom salad. (I'm also thinking of your marinated peppers as well.....)...Call me crazy, but all would be an asset to my Thanksgiving table...Leftovers, may be enjoyed all weekend. So Question??? I'm having 15 guests (including 3 kids ages 2-6)..should I double all these recipes? I'm serving Turkey, gravy, Mac & Cheese, & stuffing plus cranberry sauce.
How many days in advance may I prepare these salads? How long would each last?
Sorry for all the questions....BTW, my kibbutz was Bet Keshet...located between Tiberius and Afula.
Thanks for all your advise....
kseniaprints says
OK, here's what I would do. I think they're all easy and can be made ahead, which is nice - in fact, the pickling takes at least half a day for the purple cabbage salad (I would start that two-three days in advance, and just keep everything separate. Taste your mushrooms as you go, and if you feel like their flavour intensified enough, pour our their liquid - though I never mind the flavour of pickling).
The vinaigrette salad can keep for five days, so no worries there at all - it's all root vegetables. Just taste it before you serve and make sure it's still juicy and has enough dressing, and if no, add a bit more.
If you do make the roasted marinated peppers, those are perfectly happy with 2-3 days in the fridge as well, and we've eaten the salad for a week. Same drill, taste before serving and see if more oil or balsamic is needed (shouldn't be the case, but never hurts to warn!).
Sounds like you're going to have a lovely Thanksgiving!!!
veronica says
Fantastic, we are lucky to have you. Thank you for the wonderful recipe!
kseniaprints says
Jean says
Very good healthy salad! I love pickled beets (pickled anything, really).
I’m actually eating some for breakfast. Made it a few days ago and added tarragon instead of dill as I was out of dill.
I love that you were able to assemble this from the remnants in the refrigerator. I admire that - no waste!