Scrumptious International Dessert Recipes
Gluten-free sufganiyot with cardamom coffee cream {GF}
Banana Chocolate Sufganiyot Recipe (Hanukkah Chunky Monkey Donuts)
Almond apple cake with apple roses for Rosh Hashana
From Orchard to Oven: Best Apples for Baking
Clean raspberry preserves with honey
Quince preserves {V, GF}
Gluten-free honey apple cake with salted caramel sauce, or the sweetest way to ring in the Jewish New Year
How to bake Modern gluten-free medovik, a Fig And Honey Russian Layer Cake Decorated with Pomegranate Arils
Ma'amoul pie {V}
Argentinian bread pudding with caramel sauce {GF, DF}
Apple-granola baked Bimuelos (Hanukkah honey puffs)
Simple, clean apple butter (slow cooker and stovetop), and taking things slowly
Vegan spiced apple butter cake, or welcoming fall
Apple olive oil cake, or the meaning of hospitality
Lemon rosemary shortbread cookies, done two ways (gluten-free, vegan)
How to make gluten-free peach Swiss roll, a retro cake to a new age {GF}
Morning glory muffins, or how I gained my freshman fifteen {V}
Traditional Israeli chocolate rugelach
Gluten Free Hazelnut Chocolate Bars Recipe That Is Rich but Healthy
Baked Feta Dip Appetizer Recipe with Dates, Hazelnuts and Honey {Gluten Free}
Flourless pumpkin bread and a giveaway of Flourless. by Nicole Spiridakis {GF, Paleo}
Spicy gingerbread granola cookies, or my take on Russian Pryaniki
Gluten-free almond tuile cookies
Pear chocolate strudel {V}
Wild berry galette, or when things work out perfectly {Dairy-free}
Vegan chocolate chilli brownies
Chocolate nut energy balls and the Friday Link round-up
Pear chocolate granola bars and the Friday link round-up
Dried fruit and granola muffins with a honey-yogurt glaze, or what to eat on Tu B'Shevat
{VIDEO} The making of Israeli chocolate rugelach - Montreal Mega Mission Video I
Gluten-free walnut and chocolate cookies, or finding "The One" {GF}
Vibrant, zesty vegan grapefruit ginger cupcakes
Vegan chocolate orange cake {V}
Almond cranberry cake, or the cake of fears
Lemon almond yogurt cake with strawberries {GF}
At the Immigrant's Table Mother's Day recipe round-up: The best light, healthy and vibrant dishes to serve your mom (with just the right amount of decadence)
Holiday cookies and a sneak preview of Wednesday's post